Wednesday 28 May 2014

Animal Cruelty

Humans can be rather cruel to each other, so imagine what they can do to animals that can’t defend themselves. Animals were put on this planet to aid humans. In the olden days when technology was not as advanced, animals use to help people get to where they needed to go, work in the farms and were a source of food. We were put on this planet to take care of animals and to ensure that they have rights.
Unfortunately, we do the opposite by taking advantage of the fact that they can’t talk and say what needs to be said in order to save their habitat and life. Shampoos, cosmetics, medicines and much more are all the things that we use in our daily routine. How do we know if these products are safe? We need to ensure that our lives are not at any risk at all. Therefore, we need to use some other source of life to ensure that ours is in no harm… right?
Animals are constantly used in replacement of ourselves to test drugs and other products to ensure of its safety.  This means to avoid women’s lips from doubling in size due to the wrong combination of chemicals, the lipstick is applied onto an animal to see what happens.  If the animal’s skin shows irritation, loses hair, or any other sort of unnatural signs and symptoms, then the product is not safe and will not be released for people to use.
Does this make any sense? Such cruelty to animals can be rather pointless. Just as humans react to things differently from each other, animals are quite the same. Animals are created in such a way that causes them to either be more or less affected by something. For example, a pharmaceutical drug which may help a person may kill an animal, or a shampoo that may burn a person’s scalp may not affect an animal at all.
After contributing to animal endangerment and extinction, animal’s rights have improved tremendously in recent years. Contrarily, some laws still allow animal cruelty to the limit of abuse and torture. Is that good enough? Would you still buy products that tortured an innocent creature? Would you still support the company of that product? Click on the link and watch the short video, I'm positive you won't think about using animal cruelty products after.
11 Outrageous Facts about Animal Testing:
WARNING: Harsh visual content!

Stay tuned for reference to the ethical issues of discrimination and why it is important that companies discourage this sort of behavior and judgment.

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