Friday 23 May 2014


The times of slavery are one of horror and suffering that is now illegal worldwide. However, after all of the disgust and hurt, many inhumane practices are still being done today.

Many clothing workshops try to find a cheap way to produce numerous amounts of clothing in a short amount of time. In order to do this, clothing companies have taken some notes from their ancestors. Unfortunately, it’s a bad note and they use people of all ages (from children to the elderly) to work in poor conditions for very long hours at very low wages. These places are called sweatshops.

A famous story of how bad some sweatshops can be is the collapsing of a garment building in Dhaka, Bangladesh on the 24th April 2013, killing over three hundred people.  Imagine if you heard that your favorite clothing designer was producing clothes from sweatshops that mistreat people without a second thought. Would you buy something again from that store without having a second thought?

Video of Dhaka, Bangladesh Sweatshop collapse:
Clothing stores often use the excuse of “we don’t know the working conditions of the employees who make our clothes, we aren’t in the same country as they are”, but how do we –the customers, find out? I’m sure the company had an idea of who they were employing to make their clothes.

This leads to a counter-productive result for the sweatshop advocate clothing store. While the clothing store may think they’re making a great decision by producing clothes at a cheap cost and making a high profit by selling, they’re actually going to lose more in the future. After the information becomes known that they are sweatshop advocates, loyal and potential customers will stand completely against it, causing the store to not only lose their impressive profit but any kind of sale they wished to make. Who wants a shirt made out of the blood, sweat and tears of another human being?

These sweatshop advocates need to realize that everything comes to light, and no one wants to support anything that has to do with mistreating life, including animals, which I will address in my next blog.                             

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